We help you build apps that users love

Get to know us

Toronto's CN Tower

Helping Startups build a better future

We have 3 main development services

web, mobile, ai

Link to Bloorsoft's Portfolio

Our clients before vs. after they meet us

😩 ➡️ 😎

stack agnostic

Although we're experts in React & React Native, we're true engineers at heart. Come to us with your stack and we'll figure it out 🙂

POwered by engineers from affirm, amazon, and google

Bloorsoft Logo


We're active all over North America

ABout us


cups of coffee consumed by our team on an annual basis 🤝


Who are we?

We're a multi-cultural team based in Toronto & SF! We come from diverse backgrounds, bringing different personalities, experiences and skills to the job. This is what makes our team so special 💜

Our Mission

Why we do what we do

We believe in startups because we've seen what a few truly passionate individuals can do. We want to help these people succeed by providing them with the best startup focused technical expertise and resources.

Bloorsoft is only the beginning of our journey. We believe that we can fundamentally change the way startups are built and scaled. More on Bloor Ventures later.


Parsa Tajik

I started Bloorsoft in February of 2022. Running this company has taught me so much and I've met some of my best friend on this journey. Remember, things might be hard right now but
"you cannot lose if you do not quit." 

Parsa Tajik's Picture
Frequency asked questions

Is Bloorsoft the right fit for you?

Is the code you develop future-proof?
Why should we work with Bloorsoft instead of building an in-house team?
Can I have an expert review your architecture plans before full development begins?
What happens after the project is completed?
How will performance be tracked and reported?
How can I assess the quality of your code?
Will my idea remain confidential with Bloorsoft?
How do you ensure timely delivery of the project?
Are your services competitively priced?