The project

Transforming RAHH Inc.'s Vision into a Virtual Reality

RAHH Inc.'s challenge was multifaceted: architecture interpretation, 3D modeling, animated walkthroughs, 360° virtual tours, and a digital hub to house it all. Every challenge was met with precision, culminating in a digital masterpiece that elevated the brand's presence. Dive into the journey at 29aglenstewart.ca.


Image gallery of our works for this project

Case study

RAHH Inc. - A Multi-dimensional Design Challenge

Architectural Foundation

Challenge: Decipher complex architecture and lay a concrete foundation for subsequent visual elements.

Solution: A deep dive into the architectural blueprints, combined with collaborative sessions with industry stalwarts, ensured a comprehensive grasp over structural nuances. Tools Used: AutoCAD, Revit.

3D Modeling

Challenge: Create lifelike 3D representations resonating with the original designs, inside and out.

Solution: Leveraging cutting-edge 3D modeling tools, we translated the architectural essence into intricate 3D visuals, ensuring precision down to the minutest detail. Tools Used: Blender, 3ds Max.

Animated Walkthrough

Challenge: Transcend traditional displays with a moving, interactive representation.

Solution: Employing advanced animation methodologies, the static 3D models were transformed into a dynamic journey through the property, offering viewers an in-depth exploration. Tools Used: Unity3D, Unreal Engine.

360° Virtual Tour

Challenge: Intensify the immersive experience, allowing viewers to command their exploration.

Solution: By integrating our 3D models and animations, we birthed a 360° tour, providing a panoramic, controlled viewing experience. Tools Used: Pano2VR, krpano. View the tour here.

The Digital Showcase

Challenge: An intuitive platform to seamlessly integrate and display the multitude of visual assets.

Solution: Crafting an aesthetic, user-centric website, we established a digital portal that not just displayed, but celebrated each visual facet of the project, ensuring visitors an enriched, fluid experience. Tools Used: Wix, WordPress.

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